On Blackberry Hill

Winner of the 2016 National Jewish Book Award for Young Adult Literature

One daughter. One mother. One summer camp. Twenty years apart.

​If only Reena could stay in the city, instead of spending the last summer before high school at her cousin’s Jewish sleepaway camp. From morning prayer to Color War to the social pecking order, she is lost from the start, and her cousin Lila is no ally. While working on her survival skills, Reena begins to find clues of the mother she never knew.

Twenty years earlier, Naomi stands on a dock in the middle of the lake. Just finished with her first year of college, camp feels too small to contain her giant dreams. Her sister Mara is all about finding a man, but Naomi believes something more awaits.

A mysterious, barefoot stranger appears on a hill, offering blessings and songs. Can he guide Naomi to her future? Can he help Reena untangle her past? Buy the book here.

‘Mann weaves a poignant tale of loss and discovery that carefully builds to a hopeful, satisfying ending.’
— Wiley Blevins, author


Short stories



